jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

“Venezuela up to date” (16/10/13)

                                                                              Domingo Sanchez

ü  To our readers in English: As promised at the end of the year 2012, we offer a “resume” of the principal news in relation  with several important things that happen in Venezuela. Much of this information are originated by free researchers of the Blog group, in order to inform our readers due to the omissions and distortions made by the Venezuelan and International radios, press and TVs

ü  The possibility to answer any question or comments that arises between our friends or things that necessarily need any clarification is already open.  So be free to contact us in the site “commentary”.

ü  If you like this site please, let it be known to your friends and social organizations. Our address is:   www.escofos.globspot.com.

ü  We give a welcome to the new English speaking readers or our Glob.

Ø  The Imperialism, nevertheless its severe crisis, continues its inherencies in Venezuela, since October 1st.   Let see them:
·         After the expulsion from Venezuela of the three American Diplomatic employees: Kelly Keiderling (who worked before in Zambia, Ethiopia, Dominican, Kirguistan and Cuba), Elizabeth Hoffman and Dave Moo.  Reasons: promoting meetings with Henrique Capriles, the loser in the Presidential elections on April 14, 2013 and with several syndicates, opposition groups organizing actions against President Maduros’s government.
·         An unidentified plane, whose pilot didn’t attend the order to take land, was fired by Venezuelan Air Forces at the Occident of our territory.
·         A supposedly fishermen vessel, with Trinitarian flag, which was inside the economic Venezuelan waters inspecting the zone, was ordered by our naval forces, to go to Carupano port (in Venezuela), in order to clarify its situation.  Four American citizens were on board.

Ø  President Maduro presented before the General Assembly, a Constitutional solicitude to have, for a period of one year, the power to modify more than 30 laws, in order to attack legally the corruption not only inside Government employees but also in the private area.

Ø  The President also re-started his program called “Street Government” which means that personally and with Cabinet are visiting all regions of the Country, checking the projects in course and the new plans containing the propositions of the organized people all over the country.

Ø  The program called “Citizen Security” which consists mainly in the revision at all Municipalities where the criminal actions are over the common levels. The figures show how the murders, sequestrations of persons, drug commerce, etc. are going down with the natural acceptance of the people living there.  This program includes the use of not only police but armed forces for very short periods.  The recovery of firearms and drugs show also the good balance of this program.

Ø  The general people, including the opposition forces who denied the legality of the Electoral National Counsel are organized to participate in the Municipal

Elections to be held on December 8th this year. Everybody waits that those elections will be in peace. 


                                               Domingo Sánchez
Ø  Continuando con esta columna, resumimos los acontecimientos dentro del Imperialismo Estadounidense más resaltantes de las últimas semanas.

ü  La crisis financiera y económica iniciada en 2008, ha cambiado al presentarse un nuevo factor: la disputa entre el Presidente Obama y los Senadores del Partido Republicano, en cuanto al problema de la propuesta de Obama para aplicar a partir del 1 de enero del 2014 un sistema de seguros privados obligatorios que sustituyan a los actuales sistemas llamados “Medicare” Cuidados Médicos y “Social Security” Seguro Social.  Ello condujo hace ya 15 días a la paralización de los pagos dentro del Gobierno, lo cual afecta no solamente a todos los empleados públicos, sino en especial a  gran parte de la sociedad: la clase obrera y los sectores más pobres, incluyendo  la juventud.

ü  Por supuesto, ni la prensa estadounidense ni la internacional, han analizado la delicada situación que podría, eventualmente  conducir a una situación de impago a gran parte del Imperio.  Tampoco han registrado las decenas de protestas sociales reprimidas por la policía, como era de esperarse.

ü  En una reunión reciente del grupo de países de la ASEAN, más Estados Unidos y China, donde e discutían problemas planteados por Estados Unidos en cuanto a la “liberad de navegación” por el mar del Sur de China, surgió incidentalmente el tema de los tenedores de Bonos del Estado norteamericano, valorados en miles de millones de dólares,  siendo China y Japón los más comprometidos.  Ello por la situación actual y la posibilidad de que la economía estadounidense se declarase en impago.

ü  Dependiendo del desenlace de este momento de la crisis, muchos países se verán afectados, sobre todo aquellos que tienen sus reservas nacionales en dólares americanos.  Como dice un amigo: “La vaina no está para juegos”.


                                                                     By Domingo Sanchez

Ø  This new column, which refers mainly to those actions, resolutions, decisions adopted by the Imperialism, not only inside the U S, but all over the world.
Ø  The same text is being published in Spanish, as we were doing during the last months.
Ø  Any suggestions, questions or commentaries are welcomed.
Ø  If you like this site please, let it be known to your friends and social organizations.

ü  The general financial and economic crisis installed since 2008, has at present a new factor: the impasse between President Obama and Senators of the Republican Party.  The situation of government´s shutdown, which is not entirely new, occurs actually after 15 days of public discussions between them.  The end seems not to be so clear.
ü  The main losers are the working class and the poor people, including the young people and the millions of recipients of the Women, infants and Children (WIC) food assistance programs.
ü  The American and the international press, are trying to hide the real situation of not only the thousands government employees, but also of the many protests inside the United Sates.
ü  The other main trouble in discussion, related to Medicare and Social Security, are the called Obama-care proposal to be in effect on January 1, 2014 and which affects directly to millions of families inside the U S which are linked to the health of the American people.
ü  In a recent meeting of the ASEAN Summit (US, China and Asian countries), when interchanging points of view about situation on the South China Sea, arose incidentally, a problem related with the principal owners of the American State Bonds: China and Japan, and the possible implications if the US dollar situation ends with a default in the present US financial crisis.

ü  Depending on the end of present situation, many countries may be affected, especially to those who have their National Reserves in US dollars.          

sábado, 12 de octubre de 2013


                                                 Domingo Sánchez

Ø Continuando con esta columna, resumimos los acontecimientos dentro del Imperialismo Estadounidense más resaltantes de las últimas semanas.

ü El Régimen de  Obama, como lo llama el filósofo argentino Atilio Borón, se halla confrontando una serie de problemas, no solamente en las políticas internas sino en el espectro internacional. Veámoslas.
ü En el quinto aniversario de la caída de Wall  Street en 2008, la situación está yendo hacia lo peor, especialmente para la clase trabajadora dentro de Estados Unidos y también al sector de la juventud. Lo continuos recortes en el presupuesto oficial, ha traído como resultado que el pequeño grupo de los ricos, ahora en el 2013, son más ricos y por ende, lo pobres son más pobres.
ü Y como ejemplo de ello citemos a la Revista Forbes en una edición reciente sobre el tema según la cual “los 400 Americanos más ricos, han ascendido a la escala de los 2 trillones de U S dólares, lo cual significa un salto de $ 1.7 trillones en el 2012”.
ü Aparte de la situación en Siria, el régimen Obama ha tratado de  continuar adelante en la  guerra. Pero la propuesta del Presidente  ruso Putin de esperar que el gobierno de Siria, entregue y se destruyan las armas químicas que posee y que firme un compromiso internacional con las Naciones Unidas, parece haber frenado la decisión del Presidente Obama de bombardear Siria.
ü Por supuesto, la situación interna en Siria ha cambiado, debido a que un número grande de mercenarios llamados oficialmente por Occidente “los rebeldes” contratados por Qatar y Arabia Saudita y armados por ellos y por Estados Unidos y Turquía, han detenido algunos ataques y discuten entre ellos si acaso no es el momento de retirarse de esa ilegal guerra.
ü Sin embargo y a propósito de las armas químicas y biológicas, nadie ha querido recordar en Naciones Unidas, a  Israel que las usó en la última y despiadada campaña contra el pueblo Palestino, ante la mirada de todo el mundo.
ü En su lugar, el Primer Ministro Netanyahu fue a Washington a recordarle al régimen de  Obama que ellos sí están listos para atacar a Irán, aún cuando sean solos.
ü El otro asunto es el caso de lo que los americanos llaman “Obama-care” es decir para referirse al caso de la seguridad social y los auxilios de los varios sistemas que existían en Estados Unidos y que el Presidente eliminó para substituirlos por un seguro privado que todas las familias estadounidenses deben tomar y pagar, so pena de recibir multas. Las lógicas y naturales protestas y reacciones dentro de Estados Unidos, se han hecho sentir, siendo las clases obrera y la  media  a quienes les espera en  futuro bastante oscuro en el  2014.
ü Finalmente, el Presidente Obama pronunció un discurso en las Naciones Unidas lleno de amenazas, de acuerdo a los análisis  de la prensa estadounidense.

Nota: La presente columna se presenta en esta fecha, debido a problemas técnicos. Presentamos  excusas a nuestros lectores por el retardo.

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013


By Domingo Sanchez

Ø  Starting today we are including this new column, which refers mainly to those things, resolutions, decisions taken by U S Imperialism , which are implemented, not only inside the U S, but all over the world.
Ø  The same text is being published in Spanish, as we were doing during the last months.
Ø  Any suggestions, questions or commentary is welcomed.

ü  The Obama Regime, as called by philosopher Atilio Boron, is confronting lots of troubles, not only in his national policies but in the international spectrum.  Let us see them.
ü  On the fifth anniversary of Wall Street crash on 2008 the situation has going bad especially for the working class in the United Sates and the young people.  The continual cuts in the national budgets aids are currently adopted. Nevertheless, the more rich are becoming richer and the general people suffer the implantation of several cuts, excepting the armed forces budget.
ü  An example: “The Forbes magazine reported that the wealth of the 400 richest Americans, had climbed to $2 trillion, which means a jump from $ 1.7 trillion in 2012”.  
ü  Apart from the situation in Syria, the Obama Regime, was treating to go ahead with the war. But the  Putin´s proposal to wait the Syrian government to destroy the chemical arms and to sign a compromise with United Nations, seem to stop the decision of Obama´s President.
ü  The Syrian internal situation is being changing, due that many of the “mercenaries” called officially as the “Syrian rebels” contracted by Qatar, the Saudi Arabian Governments and other from 41 countries, and armed by U S and Turquoise armed forces, are being stopping the attacks and there is an internal movement between them, to retire from Syria to their original countries.
ü  Nobody had mentioned nothing about the case o Israel, whose government due poses and had been used the chemical arms in Palestine in recent years.
ü  Instead, the Israel prime Minister went to Washington to remember Obama Regime that they are ready to do the job with Iran.
ü  At the same time, the new and Prime Minister of Iran asked to meet the U S Secretary of State, John Kerr to discuss something like an agreement by US-Iran in reference to their advanced plan to use nuclear energy for pacific uses.
ü  The Obama-care, as has been called his new medical aid and Medicare policy changes are going to be applied just today in the United Sates, in preparation for January 1st in next year. The natural and logic reactions from the United States poorer people, the working class and medium class people are hoped in the next future.
ü  Finally, the address of President Obama in the United Nations five days ago is plenty of threats, according to the general press analysts.   

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

Venezuela up to date

Domingo Sánchez

ü  To our readers in English: As promised at the end of the year 2012, we offer a “resume” of the principal news in relation  with several important things that happen in Venezuela. Much of this information are originated by free researchers of the Blog group, in order to inform our readers due to the omissions and distortions made by the Venezuelan and International radios, press and TVs
ü  The possibility to answer any question or comments that arises between our friends or things that necessarily need any clarification is already open.  So be free to contact us in the site “commentary”.
ü  If you like this site please, let it be known to your friends and social organizations. Our address is:   www.escofos.globspot.com.
ü  We give a welcome to the new English speaking readers or our Glob.

Ø  The right-wing and fascist Venezuelan opposition are employing all efforts to fulfill the Imperialists orders:  to sabotage everything they can. Let us remember:
Ø  Last year the oil refinery at Amuay, in western Venezuela:  47 deaths and an estimated active losses of around 800 Million US $.
Ø  On April 14, 15 and 16th   11 deaths (including two children) more than 60 people wounded, 6 public clinics affected. Reason: the Henrique Capriles orders to the fascist opposition to unknown the results of the Presidential election.  
Ø  On august the electricity cut on September 3, 2013. Losses still in study.
Ø  Last week, the imposition by U S Government to change the air flight route of the Presidential trip to the Republic of China. And the cancellation of the American visa, to personnel supposed to accompany President Mauro’s trip to the United Nations in New York.
Ø  Yesterday, the expulsion from Venezuela o three of de members of the American Embassy in Caracas, due to their clear inherencies in the Venezuelan political area, not only in the Amazonas Department in meetings with the local Governor, but at  the Bolivar State, in meetings with people of the right-wing opposition, Deputies to the General Assembly (María Corina Machado and Andrés Velázquez) and some syndicalism members of the steel and aluminum enterprises, to promote political activities to intend to sabotage the next municipal elections in December 8th 2013.
Ø  After  his return to the trip to China, President Maduro informed about new credits (U S $ 5.000 millions) obtained in joint ventures of Venezuela-China in the next future for new industries, the national plan for 300.000 new houses or apartments, agriculture projects, etc.