domingo, 19 de julio de 2015


Domingo Sánchez

Ø  A nuestros amables lectores, les saludamos entusiastamente, luego de casi dos años sin editar esta columna, ello por razones de salud y también de de los recursos técnicos de edición.  Pero acá estamos con nuevos bríos y confiados en ustedes que no solamente leerán los contenidos,  sino los divulgarán entre compañeros y amigos, haciéndonos llegar sus inquietudes, encuestas y opiniones en esta segunda época de la columna.

ü  Comenzamos con algo desagradable e injusto para el pueblo venezolano. Ello debido a la sorpresiva e inesperada actitud del Presidente Obama, con su infortunado Decreto de fecha 9 de marzo de 2015, según el cual, “Venezuela es una amenaza para la seguridad de los Estados Unidos”, nada más ni nada menos.  No obstante que, semanas después, el propio Obama declarara a un periodista de la agencia EFE que “yo no creo que Venezuela sea realmente un amenaza”. “O sea¨,   como dicen nuestros estudiantes. Es decir que esta contradicción presidencial y pública, no ha sido resuelta aún como lo esperamos todos los venezolanos.  De paso,  este incidente le costó el cargo a una funcionaria de segundo rango, de apellido Jacobson, quien fungía conocer mucho de Venezuela y de América Latina, dentro del Departamento de Estado.  Como diría un campesino: Que vaina, nó?
Sin embargo, Venezuela ha recibido el apoyo de UNASUR, y muchas otras organizaciones de masas, no solo de Latinoamérica y del Caribe, sino dl resto del Mundo.

ü  La Gran Crisis  del capitalismo y en especial del Imperialismo,  que comenzara a fines del año 2007 (y han transcurrido ya ocho años) no solamente no ha sido superada sino que continúa profundizándose. Y vamos a los datos concretos:
a)    El sector de los más ricos, unos  400 en Estados Unidos,  ahora continúan ascendiendo  sus riquezas a la banda de los trillones de dólares. Les suena bien? Trillones….  Es decir, que los  sectores de los billonarios y menos  aún,  de los millonarios se quedaron atrás.
b)   En tanto, el resto de la población de la clase pequeño burguesa, se empobrece y sigue descendiendo hacia los  niveles más bajos de la sociedad norteamericana.                
c)    La juventud americana ve con tristeza su porvenir, un  panorama sin mayores atractivos, falta de empleos para los y las jóvenes lo que implican la vagancia y la despreocupación por su propio futuro y el de su Nación. Con  la perspectiva guerrerista del Gobierno del Presidente Obama y la posibilidad del servicio militar fuera de su país, en una de las  tantas aventuras bélicas.

ü  El Presidente Obama quien está de salida en pocos meses, no  obstante, mantiene  con sus aliados e Israel, los siguientes frentes de guerra: Irak, Afganistán, Siria, Ucrania, Yemen, Colombia, Palestina y paremos de contar. Es decir que terminará una triste historia como un Presidente, cuya elección despertó muchas expectativas entre la gente de color, sobre todo, en los propios Estados Unidos. Recordemos que el primer incidente, al nomás encargarse, y que fue una promesa electoral, como era la clausura de la cárcel sui generis de Guantánamo, una vez  firmado el Decreto, le obligaron a cancelarlo.

ü        La situación de la clase obrera y de los pobres y ancianos  en Estados Unidos (varios millones de seres humanos) engrandecen las estadísticas de gente sin trabajo, y sin  auxilios médicos del antiguo Medicare (algo parecido a los Seguros Sociales de muchos de nuestros países) ya privatizado. O sea, un verdadero      infierno

ü  Y según noticias, no desmentidas, el Pentágono se prepara junto a los esbirros de la OTAN a rodear a Rusia y preparar un posible enfrentamiento bélico con China, por unos atolones en el Mar del sur de China. O sea la III Guerra Mundial.

Nota: Esta columna aparecerá una vez por mes

“Venezuela Up to date”

Domingo Sánchez

To the English readers: first of all, we present our apologies for the time this page was out.  So, we will  continue offering you a “resummé” of the principal news in relation with important facts with the situation in Venezuela. Much of this information becomes from free researchers of the Blog group, in order to inform our readers the real facts, due to omissions and distortions of the Venezuelan  radios, press and TVs as is the situation not only in our country but  also in other countries, including the United States.  We will appear once in a month.  Your questions, critics and opinions are appreciated. 

·         After the unexpected political decree of President Barak Obama dated april 9  of present year, declaring that Venezuelan country is a “menace” and also “unexpected” to the security of the United States. Said decree was declared not only surpresive and not fridenly by the absolute majority of the Venezuelan people, because we are processing a revolution by the constitutionally way.   Our country has been receiving the support from the mass organizations of many countries in the world and especially from main people organizations from South America.
      But it is to say that, days after the Decree, Mr. Obama declared to a reporter        from an international TV when he said: “I personally do not believe that           Venezuela is such a menace to the United States”. But that public contradiction       seems not to be solved yet, as many people is still waiting that he officially          cancels said decree. 

·         President Maduro does continues his fight accompanied with the Venezuelan people, against the economic imperialist war (not been declared), against our country in several fronts. This war has been supported by the bourgeois people from Spain, Colombia and Venezuela.
It consists in the application of a plan adopted by the Venezuelan opposition political parties too.  In other words, that they do have two positions: one being prepared  to participate in the mentioned elections in 33 sections , of the 80 existing in Venezuela and at the same time, preparing the armed mobilization, ordered from his leader Leopoldo Lopez (in prison and under a legal process).
      As our readers can imagine, the political scenario is very complex, known as all       indicators do announce, as the triumph of the PSUV revolutionary party.

·         The psychological war also does continue to be held against the Venezuelan people, according to the new fourth war generation made by the American  imperialism.  The reality in our country seems proving that the revolution is going in advance nevertheless.

·         A new political course of actions that we have known in these months, is the aspirations manifested to participate as friendly defenders by some  right Latin American and European ex Presidents,  who have visited Venezuela, offering services  to participate in the legal trials being held in  Venezuelan Courts, of their services, a procedure that is out from the Venezuelan judicial legislations. They do refer to already proved citizens who committed assassinations and other criminal charges, especially in may and june 2014 by political armed movements in Venezuela. In other words, these new form to “demonstrate” that the actual legal prisoners, are defenseless, being all of them convicted of law violations.  We will like to think, if all of those “defenders”, will be ready to offer their free services to American or European prisoners.   

·         On last May 1st, President Maduro signed a new decree, increasing the basic salaries in all Venezuela by 30%. As expected, said decree was used by the capitalist industrial and commercial owners to elevate all their final prices from 300 to 1000%.  And   immediately, their representatives in FEDECAMARAS (their organization) declared that “inflation will continue growing up”.  They seem to be discovering the chemical composition of  water!!!!

·          The responsible of the group that produced the  death of Deputy to General Assembly,   Robert  Serra and his wife (in October 11, 2014) , Leiver Padilla who  was deported from Colombia to Venezuela, in order to be judged here. Police official are interested to know e is also beinalso the intellectual crime planners, money paid to  him.   He is also being judged in his country for other crime charges.

·         The date of elections for the renewal of the General Assembly in Venezuela will take place in December 6th of this year.  A new and advanced policy sated by President Maduro is that it is expected to be composed by 50% of their members of young people with no more than 30 years elder.

·         On june 28th the primary elections inside the PSUV took place in Venezuela with the  participation of more than three million voters, in order to choose the principal  candidates in the next General Assembly to  be elected on December 6th this year.

July 2, 2015