miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013

“Venezuela Up to date-4”

Domingo Sánchez

To our readers in English:   As promised at the end of year 2012, we offer a “resume” of the principal news in relation with several important things. Much of this information
are originated by free researches of the Blog group, in order to inform our readers due to the omissions and distortions of the Venezuelan and international radio, press and TVs.

1-           President Chávez continues his recovering from the post-operatory process, according with the last report of February 9th) from the medical group who are attending him at a Havana Hospital.

2-    Members of the Executive Cabinet flight every week in order to meet him for continuing the normal process of the Cabinet.  President Chávez is working and paying attention  to the Venezuelan situation up to date.

3-      On February 4th the Venezuelan  people was conmemorating activities to remember the  anniversary of the  rebel movement, headed by Hugo Chávez in 1992 to protest the Venezuelan situation under the government of Carlos And Fund (F M I) and its neo-liberalist plan, which was refused by the Venezuelan people. That movement was controlled by the social democrat Government of the epoch.  Chávez and his military movement were detained, but he, assumed the entire responsibility for that act. All military men of the movement were presented to a military court and were sent prison.      

4-        A devaluation of the bolívar currency was decided by the Executive Power on February 9th.    The new value is BsF 6,30 to a dollar instead of BsF 4,30. The Economic Cabinet and authorities of the Central Bank explained the details of the bolivar new value.

5-      We want to express our gratitude for the interest to this section in the Blog by our English speaking friends.

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