martes, 17 de diciembre de 2013

“Venezuela up to date” (10-12-2013)

Domingo Sánchez

Ø  To our readers in English: As promised at the end of the year 2012, we offer a “resume” of the principal news in relation  with several important things that happen in Venezuela. Much of this information are originated by free researchers of the Blog group, in order to inform our readers due to the omissions and distortions made by the Venezuelan and International radios, press and TVs
Ø  The possibility to answer any question or comments that arises between our friends or things that necessarily need any clarification is already open.  So be free to contact us in the site “commentary”.
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Ø  We give a welcome to the new English speaking readers or our Glob.
ü  The final results o the Municipal  elections in Venezuela in general , is as follows: 

Revolution  forces      255    Major offices
            Fascism and opposition            75 
            Independent forces                     
These figures show clearly show that revolutionary forces recovered several Major Offices and do have a clear majority, which will easy  President Maduro’s work all over the country.  

ü  According to a recent paper presented by the CEPAL institution in America, that Venezuela have continued reducing  poverty, due to the general plans  installed  by former President  Hugo Chavez (+)  during his government.

ü  Venezuelan government arrived at the big figure of 500.000 houses and/or apartments constructed and  fully equipped for poor people specially, due to the Great Mission called  House Construction, instituted by former President Chavez and being continued by actual President Nicolas Maduro. 

ü  Venezuelan government presented before the International Commerce Organization, how the opposition forces were starting what can be considered as an Economic War, forcing up the retail prices of all imported merchandise by more than 400 and up to 4.500%. Immediately, the national Government implemented a lot of constitutional   other legal measurements in order to rescue the general prices to a normal level.  A lot of anomalies have been discovered all of which will reverse this situation.

ü  Maduro's government will donate in 2014 2 million small computers for the primer and secondary school children and young students and 2 million tablets for Universitary students.

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