miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

“Venezuela up to date” (02-04-2014)

Domingo Sánchez
Ø  To our readers in English: As promised at the end of the year 2012, we offer a “resume” of the principal news in relation  with several important things that happen in Venezuela. Much of this information are originated by free researchers of the Blog group, in order to inform our readers due to the omissions and distortions made by the Venezuelan and International radios, press and TVs.

Ø  The possibility to answer any question or comments that arises between our friends or things that necessarily need any clarification is already open.  So be free to contact us in the site “commentary”.

Ø  If you like this site please, let it be known to your friends and social organizations. Our address is:  http://escofos.blogspot.com/  

ü  The political opposition organizations,  through the small political party Voluntad Popular (Popular will)  organized  by    Leopoldo López Mendoza, a neo-fascist leader, now under prison and being trailed with several charges, did continued during the last two weeks their armed attacks by small groups in 5 of the 357 Venezuela Municipalities causing several peoples deeds and many persons injured .

ü  The President Mauro’s government did continue the calling and organization for “Peace Assemblies”, all over the country. Many arms, explosives have been captured and at least one of the more violent groups, in Táchira State, has been dissolved. More than 20 persons have been captured.  This special group was being infiltrated by Colombian ex-militias and did operate under their control.

ü  Many trucks that were transporting foods and also buildings of the Food Official Organization were assaulted and destroyed, causing problems in the food distribution. Also some government official buildings were destroyed by fire.  The University of the Armed Forces in Táchira State was destroyed including their library.  Thousands of trees (including old trees) were cut to use them in the armed focus in order to obstruct the normal use of avenues and streets. Some of the city Majors of seven important cities have been trialed by the Venezuelan Supreme Court.

ü  Maria Machado, an opposition leader, went to Washington and obtained an illegal Temporal Representation of the Panama Government, in order to speak and ask the General OAS Assembly for sanctions against Venezuelan Government. She could not speak in above mentioned Assembly because a “foreigner cannot speak at the Assembly, instead of the official Ambassador to OAS.

ü  According with the Venezuelan Constitution (1999) in its Article 191  establishes clearly that “No one deputy can receive a charge, medal or recognition from a foreign government,  without the express permission of the Venezuelan General Assembly. By the contrary,  he or she,  does losses his representation as a deputy automatically”.  By a sentence of the Supreme Court, María Machado lost her representation because she violated several articles of the Venezuelan Constitution”. 

ü  María Machado had been illegally calling several times in the newspapers and by television. For the immediate dismissal of President Maduro.  She knows, that the Venezuelan Constitution offers several legal ways to change the Presidency of Venezuela, beside the election procedure.  A new trial has been opened against Maria Machado, in this case for High Treason.

ü  The Venezuela economy is being recovered, through some official measures as increasing the food production. Also the manufactures for exports.  The private owners are participating in these new projects.

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