martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013

“Venezuela up to date 19”

Domingo Sánchez

ü To our readers in English: As promised at the end of the year 2012, we offer a “resume” of the principal news in relation  with several important things that happen in Venezuela. Much of this information are originated by free researchers of the Blog group, in order to inform our readers due to the omissions and distortions made by the Venezuelan and International radios, press and TVs
ü The possibility to answer any question or commentary that arises between our friends or things that necessarily need any clarification is already open.  So be free to contact us in the site “commentary”.
ü If you like this site please, let it be known to your friends and social organizations.
ü We give a welcome to the new English speaking readers or our Glob.

Ø Minister Rafael Ramirez, in charge of the Venezuelan Oil Industry, made today a technical investigations press conference on TV for more than 3 hours explaining the explosion on august 15, 2012,  inside the Oil Refinery located in Amuay, Falcon State with 59 people deeds and the destruction of more than 1200 houses and near 50 commercial sites, all around the Refinery. After a detailed report, the conclusion, one year after de accident, is a sabotage made to one of the main bombs operating inside the Refinery.  The investigations are not finished and the police and judicial authorities do continue their researches all around.

Ø During the last weekend the Venezuelan people contributed to make a general report about the communal organization all over the country. The primary results gave an approximate number of more than 3000 “communes” being already or in the final process of legal organization across Venezuela.

Ø The Wright wing side of the Venezuelan political organizations is preparing to participate in the next municipal elections on December 8, 2013, nevertheless that on April 14th hey questioned the final Presidential results and they assured to the press, that Henrique Capriles (actual Miranda State governor) won these elections.

Ø President Nickolas Maduro, sent a public letter to President Obama, asking him to stop his decision to attack Syrian people.  In said letter he remembered Obama the same case of the war on Iraq and the infamous results of it. Of course, no answer has been received.

Ø It was known by the international press agencies, that in the case of Mexico, Brazil and other, there has being known that the presidential offices of those countries are under secret control by the Washington military agencies. Obama offered them a “personal investigation” on the matter. 

Venezuela Up to Date 09/09/2013

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