jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

Venezuela up to date 9

Domingo Sánchez

To our readers in English: As promised at the end of the year 2012, we offer a “resume” of the principal news in relation  with several important things that happen in Venezuela. Much of this information are originated by free researchers of the Blog group, in order to inform  our readers due to the omissions and distortions made by the Venezuelan and  International radios, press and TVs.

  • ·         President Chavez memory continues receiving homage’s in many countries over the world. In Europe, Asia, and the United States and in Latin-American, the workers and general people present their sentiments to Chavez.

  • ·         In Venezuela was commemorated the first month of the Chavez departure on April  5th

  • ·         According with our Constitution, the actual Vice-President assumed, temporarily, the Presidency.  A the same time, The National Elections Council, opened a 10 days lapse to promote  all people,  in order to celebrate new Presidential elections in April 14th.

  • ·         The opposition,  composed mainly of people belonging to political reactionary parties proposed again, Capriles Radonsky, a lawyer who arrived the second in general elections of October 7th   2012 when President Hugo Chavez won, with more than one million and half votes difference.  The U S Department of State proclaimed immediately, through Roberta Jaccobson, one of their advocates, that Capriles was their candidate to the Venezuelan Presidency.  For the first time in history, The U S imperialism proclaimed a name for the elections in Venezuela. Such inherence in the Venezuelan affairs was protested by the Venezuelan people and his Government.

  • ·         Nicolas Maduro, who was in charge of the Vice-Presidency, named by Chavez in December 6th 2012 is the candidate to continue the whole programs that Chavez had been presented as his government plan for the coming period 2013-2019.

  • ·         The actual situation is that Nicolas Maduro, is very far ahead to Capriles candidate with more than 15% according with all Venezuelan electoral polls.

  • ·         Venezuelan people, who supported Chavez government with an ample majority, is prepared to vote Nicolas Maduro for the Presidency on April 14.

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