sábado, 29 de marzo de 2014

“Venezuela up to date” (24-03-2014)

Domingo Sanchez
Ø To our readers in English: As promised at the end of the year 2012, we offer a “resume” of the principal news in relation  with several important things that happen in Venezuela. Much of this information are originated by free researchers of the Blog group, in order to inform our readers due to the omissions and distortions made by the Venezuelan and International radios, press and TVs.

Ø The possibility to answer any question or comments that arises between our friends or things that necessarily need any clarification is already open.  So be free to contact us in the site “commentary”.

Ø If you like this site please, let it be known to your friends and social organizations. Our address is:   http://escofos.blogspot.com/ 
ü The President Mauro’s plan for “Peace Conferences” in which the Venezuelan society does participate, is going ahead, it has been installed in several of the Venezuelan provinces with full participation of all social sectors.

ü Many of the initiatives approved in those Conferences, are being put in effect. They include from agricultural enterprises, private and governmental ones to improve production.  Also in the manufacturing ones, old and new.  They include services as transportation, communications and others.

ü Still there are neo-fascist groups organized by the Wright sections of the Venezuelan opposition. Armed groups, due interrupt the common traffic in some spaces of some five important cities.  At present there have been more than 31 assassinations, including those 5 of the National Guard Corps, and the rest comprising civil people. More than 450 had also being injured, all of them with guns.  With this panorama the Mauro’s government continues calling for peace to those terrorists groups but also applying the Bolivarian Constitution of 1999 and the laws.     

ü The American government does continue making clear inherencies’ in the Venezuelan affairs.

ü The Venezuelan Deputy María Machado, leader of the opposition neo-fascists groups, made a trip to Panama City, and obtained from President Martinelli, a paper as the   Alternate Panameian Representative before the OAS. With this paper she went to OAS and intended to speak in their general Assembly.  The actual President of the OAS, stepped her inside the Assembly and prohibit her to speak, due that she cannot and did not represents Panama Republic, being a Venezuelan citizen and not a Panamanian one. She was obligated to abandon the OAS Assembly. This case is being treated by the Venezuelan courts for a probable trial due the Machado’s actions.

ü The President of the Venezuela Assembly, last week, introduced before the General Fiscal Office, a lot of proves of the many cases in which Deputy María Machado should be put under trial.  If she does appear guilty to the General Fiscal, a trial will be done by common courts with the authorization of the Supreme Court.  And she will then be separated form he General Assembly as deputy to it. 

domingo, 23 de marzo de 2014

EL IMPERIO ADENTRO (23/03/ 2014)

Domingo Sánchez 

Ø Continuando con esta columna, resumimos los acontecimientos dentro del Imperialismo Estadounidense más resaltantes de los últimos días.

ü La Administración Obama, luego de haber orquestado junto a Alemania,  el golpe de estado en Ucrania, donde fue depuesto el presidente electo y sustituido por una facción neo-fascista, por una parte, y después de haberse “opuesto” y considerar que el referéndum efectuado soberanamente por el 96% del pueblo de la península de Crimea (antigua parte de Rusia hasta 1965) en el sentido de solicitar a Rusia, fuese aceptada de nuevo como una provincia de dicha nación,  el Imperialismo estadounidense y sus aliados de Europa, han pretendido echar atrás dicho acto, amenazando a Rusia con medidas económicas y posiblemente una guerra.

ü Por su parte el gobierno de Rusia sometió a su parlamento la solicitud de Crimea y fue aceptada por absoluta mayoría, razón por la cual, siendo ya un hecho, Rusia ha despachado fuerzas militares para proteger a los ciudadanos de Crimea, la cual ya no forma parte de Ucrania.

ü El gobierno de Rusia, está aplicando, en reciprocidad con el gobierno de Obama, medidas económicas contra ciudadanos estadounidenses que tienen dinero en Bancos rusos o hacen negocios con dicho país.  

ü El Presidente Obama ha desplegado un mundo de amenazas a Rusia, secundado por Angela Merkel, Canciller de Alemania, quien luce desesperada por aplicar muchas más medidas económicas a Rusia.

ü En esa nueva situación, algunos de los socios de la Comunidad Europea, como Polonia, Francia, Rumanía, Hungría y los pequeños Estados bálticos, también se han anotado en la misma rifa. 

ü  Por su parte los dirigentes de la OTAN (el brazo armado del Imperialismo Estadounidense) ha desplegado ya, fuerzas aéreas a Rumanía y sobrevuelan la zona Ucrania-Crimea, en espera de las órdenes de Washington. Es decir que podría el mundo estar casi en las puertas de una III Guerra Mundial.

ü  En cuanto a Venezuela, desde  el vice-Presidente de Estados Unidos, el Secretario de Estado y todo el grupo de funcionarios de 2ª. 3ª. y hasta 4ª categoría de dicho Departamento, autorizados o no, no cesan en declarar contra Venezuela, llegando al extremos de solicitar: “1- Una reunión inmediata de la oposición y el Gobierno de Venezuela. 2 – La libertad de todas las personas aprehendidas en estas cinco semanas”.  O sea, pana: O corres o te encaramas. Que co……… ¿Y en Venezuela no habrá una Constitución, Leyes, Tribunales Ordinarios, una Fiscalía General, una defensoría General y un Tribunal Supremo de Justicia?

ü  En cuanto a la Diputada María Corina Machado, sobre quien pesa un grupo de acusaciones fundadas de hecho delictuosos ante la Fiscalía General, ni corta ni perezosa, además de ser la representante conspicua del Departamento  de Estado Estadounidense en Venezuela, tuvo la infeliz idea de trasladarse a Panamá, reunirse con el actual Presidente Martinelli, obtener su permiso y trasladarse a Washington, en la sede de la OEA, presentarse ante la Asamblea y con la venia del Embajador de Panamá, actuando como “Representante Alterna de Panamá” ante la OEA, pidió la palabra y no había comenzado el insólito acto, el Embajador Venezolano Roy Chaderton, pidió la palabra para interponerse en un punto de orden, ante un acto ilegal e internacional que pretendía llevarse a efecto. Al momento, el Presidente actuante de la Asamblea, interrumpió a Mari Cori, cono la llaman sus amigotes, exigiéndole que se retirara de la Asamblea inmediatamente.

ü  En otras palabras, los que no  seamos abogados ni lo pretendamos, creemos que con este acto internacional, visto y oído por todo el mundo, sumado a la cantidad de delitos que dicha Diputada ha realizado en Venezuela, debiese venirle encima un juicio por traición a la patria y por supuesto se le aplique todo el peso de la Ley.  Eso es lo mínimo que espera la sociedad venezolana.      

viernes, 21 de marzo de 2014

“Venezuela up to date” (15-03-2014)

Domingo Sanchez
Ø To our readers in English: As promised at the end of the year 2012, we offer a “resume” of the principal news in relation  with several important things that happen in Venezuela. Much of this information are originated by free researchers of the Blog group, in order to inform our readers due to the omissions and distortions made by the Venezuelan and International radios, press and TVs.
Ø The possibility to answer any question or comments that arises between our friends or things that necessarily need any clarification is already open.  So be free to contact us in the site “commentary”.
Ø If you like this site please, let it be known to your friends and social organizations. Our address is:   www.escofos.globspot.com.

ü The plan proposed by President Nicolas Maduro, called “Peace Conferences” had been installed on a national basis.  The first one was attended by more than 150 persons from all Venezuelan society, including the private ones.  They approved four Comissions in order to review special items, like Production, Transportation, Security, Economic projects. 

ü There were also installed one in Táchira State (the main problematic one in all the country), one in Anzoátegui, another in Monagas States also. The organizations are similar to the national one.

ü From the 18 municipalities (from 337) involved in the armed protests initially, the number has been reduced to 4.  The number of victims up today is: 29 killed, more than 365 injured.  Specially three National Guard members (one Captain, two Sergeants) all of them disarmed who were trying to clean the social spaces in the Cities of Caracas and Valencia).  The government announced that more than 10 person had been arrested in connection with these crimes.

ü The general Venezuelan people refuse this kind of protests, alleged to be  “pacific” but in reality “armed” that uses tactics as interrupt streets and avenues  with their presence using “Molotov” bombs, garbage and tools trying to intercept normal communications of the people, attacking the “Metro” installations in Caracas city, destroying public offices, etc.

ü The opposition leaders Henrique Capriles and Deputy Maria –Corina Machado, continue in their efforts to maintain the above situation.

ü The Department of State has a double position:  one to insist that Venezuelan government shall organize conversations with the protesting “students” and the other to continue them interferences in the internal politic affairs of Venezuela.

ü Another voice appeared: The ne of the Commander in Chief of the IV American Fleet, assigned to the Americas.