domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

“Venezuela up to date” (08-03-2014)

Domingo Sanchez

Ø To our readers in English: As promised at the end of the year 2012, we offer a “resume” of the principal news in relation  with several important things that happen in Venezuela. Much of this information are originated by free researchers of the Blog group, in order to inform our readers due to the omissions and distortions made by the Venezuelan and International radios, press and TVs.

Ø The possibility to answer any question or comments that arises between our friends or things that necessarily need any clarification is already open.  So be free to contact us in the site “commentary”.
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ü President Maduro, declared on march 6th that the foreign relations with the Republic of Panamá were suspended, due to the actions made by the Panamenian Ambassador at the AOS, trying to promote a discussion about the Venezuelan political situation, in order to invoke the Inter American Democratic Chart.

ü The AOS opened a session to know the real situation of Venezuela and concluded, after two days discussion that the Chart does not applies to the case of Venezuela.

ü The American TV Station CNN was suspended by the Venezuelan government, due to their continuous attacks to Venezuela every day.

ü The Ministry of Communications and Information,  offered details of the preparation of a plan that were prepared by the opposition forces o kill Leopoldo López, diligent of the Venezuelan Party “Vanguardia Popular“. López was detained and is being prosecuted by common judicial organization. He is the main responsible of the attacks to President Mauro’s government and of the general plan on the political situation all over the country.

ü The general plan called “Life and Peace” organized by President Maduro´s government is being extended to all country. What was called as a Peace Conference, it is being installed in all Venezuelan states, especially in those like Táchira, Mérida  and Caracas where still there are some small violent and illegal groups operating. The whole society representatives are being organized under those Peace Conferences.

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