miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2013

“Venezuela up to date 18”

Domingo Sánchez

ü To our readers in English: As promised at the end of the year 2012, we offer a “resume” of the principal news in relation  with several important things that happen in Venezuela. Much of this information are originated by free researchers of the Blog group, in order to inform our readers due to the omissions and distortions made by the Venezuelan and International radios, press and TVs
ü The possibility to answer any question or commentary that arises between our friends or things that necessarily need any clarification is already open.  So be free to contact us in the site “commentary”.
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ü We give a welcome to the new English speaking readers or our Glob.

Ø On august 25, 2012 in the Venezuelan biggest oil refinery, located in Amuay in western Venezuela, two tanks full of methane gas exploded. At the moment all alarms in the plant were activated and the firemen and their proper equipment were mobilized to the sire.   Minutes before, a group of employees, who were keeping the normal morning watch gave the first alarm, because the proper methane odor was present in the ambient, near the tanks. Some of them dead almost immediately.  The tanks explosion was controlled after 72 hours fighting with water.  The two tanks formed a group of 8.  When the explosion took place, a  group of National Guards were also killed and of course more than 100 to 10 family’s houses were affected in the surroundings of the Plant.  Also some commerce buildings were affected.  The PDVSA’S of the Plant were revising the rest of the Plant, n order to try to detect some kind of proves.
President Hugo Chávez came to the Plant accompanied by the State of Falcón governor   Lugo, in order to try to analyze the situation to take the correspondence measures to protect the rest of the population in the near city. After one year of investigations with the aid of international experts, the conclusion was: The oil Refinery was under a terrorist sabotage.   
Ø The Central Venezuelan Bank presented the economic results of the 2013 third quarter. In effect the Gross National Product arrived at 2.6% which mean a net recovery in comparison with former quarter.

Ø The Minister in charge of Internal Relations Justice and Peace of Venezuela, made a public appearance on TV, showing the proves of an international terrorist band, who came from Colombia to Venezuela with the purpose to kill President Nicolas Maduro and also the National Assembly President, Diosdado Cabello. The two male persons came from Colombia and after the correspondent consultations with the Colombian Authorities; they were identified with a 10 person band organized in that country in order to kill people by contract.  The initial investigations established the relation from an old Cuban terrorist, under coverage by the U S government, called Luis Posada Carriles and  Colombian ex-President  Uribe Vélez, a Venezuelan public enemy. The Venezuelan police found the two Colombians in a hotel near Caracas city with two firearms with laser telescope, ammunition, a photo of the possible victims and 10 uniforms pertaining to the Venezuelan armed forces.  The Minister announced that the proper investigations do continue under the suspicion that part of the other terrorists band members may be already in Venezuelan territory. Of course the corresponding judicial process is under way.

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